
Thoughts & Ideas

We're Live

Well, after a lot of hard work getting three different sites to look essentially the same, I'm officially declaring that photoKandy Studios is live. It's not perfect yet - some of the design needs a little tweaking, and some of the wording will doubtlessly change over the course of the next few weeks, but it's up - and lets you see some of my work, which is, at least, half of the point. The other half of the point is the education standpoint.

Photography isn't a trade to be horded - but a skill to be shared, in my opinion. And following that meme, I will, from time to time, post "learning" articles about photography. With some luck, I'll make sense, and you'll find it interesting. Hopefully!

I'm also working on several upcoming workshops in partnership with Nazarene Pages and The Rusty Shutter (their site is still in progress). These workshops will focus on the basics of photography, initially aiming at those individuals who are scared as all get out of the buttons and sounds their new camera makes. Look for an upcoming announcement regarding these workshops.

This isn't the only place you can follow me - I'm on several social networks (as seen on my contacts page), and you're welcome to follow me and send messages and comments or ask question. Or use the contact page to send an email to me.

Okay - here's to a year of great photography, meeting great people and clients, and a year of fantastic learning together!

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